
Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

Magnhild Fossum

Magnhild Fossum
Norwegian dancer, choreographer and video artist.

The Posthuman Manifesto

The production and appreciation of Art is a particularly Human faculty. It is often cited by the Humanists as the highest expression of Human thought and the thing which most distingushes us from machines. It would, therefore, be fair to admit that the Post_Human era cannnot begin in full until we have met this challenge from the Humanists. In order to develop a machine which can produce and appreciate Art we must first have a clearer understanding of what it is.

Transhumanismus (zusammengesetzt aus lat. trans ‚jenseits, über, hinaus‘ und humanus ‚menschlich‘) ist eine philosophische Denkrichtung, die die Grenzen menschlicher Möglichkeiten durch den Einsatz technologischer Verfahren erweitern will. Die Interessen und Werte der Menschheit werden als "Verpflichtung zum Fortschritt" angesehen.

Energy Bank

Energy Bank. User Manual (jp/eng) from Amanda Steggell on Vimeo.

Everybodys Toolbox
Everybodys is a data base and a library, a toolbox and a game creator, a publication house, a score container, a site for distribution and for long term investigatory discussions. It is a platform for the development of tools and content, for research and performance, for exchange and desire.
Everybodys is a collective effort to develop the discourses that exist within the performing arts and to create a platform where this information can be accessed by a wider audience than the practitioners it involves.
-> 10 statements (or How To)