None of the key persons is named; it is just "the man", "the widow" (also "mother", even "person"), and "the girl". Only the viewpoint of the man is presented, - we learn close to nothing about the views of his victims. He is conflicted and tries to rationalize his behavior, but is also disgusted by it. “How can I come to terms with myself?” is the opening sentence. He makes his moves like a chess player. But once he seems to have reached his goal, he is startled by her reaction. The conflict is not resolved but by his destruction.
Normalisierung durch das Nachwort des Sohnes Dimitri Nabokov in der englischen Übersetzung. Dimitri verteidigt seinen Vater gegen Pädophilie Vorwürfe. Er übernimmt die Rolle des Anklägers (s. Adorno).
Von der Lust, die Grenze zu überschreiten.